Get your groove on! 

Bristol’s newest choir – The Bristol Groove – singing pop and jazz with strong sense of rhythm, groove and funky harmonies – with musical director, Beth Morgan


  • A new mixed voice choir for people in the Bristol/Bath and surrounding area, singing music with a strong sense of rhythm and groove including but not exclusively, gospel, jazz, disco, soul, contemporary pop 
  • Intermediate entry level with good sense of tuning, rhythm and vocal independence. Short informal audition process after Visit Session. 
  • Aiming for a high musical sound with a huge sense of fun
  • Performance focus,  engaging in festivals/competitions.
  • Ability to read music not essential however, you will be expected to learn your vocal lines quickly, and by memory.


Fishponds Old Library Hall, Fishponds Road, Fishponds BS16 3UH

When: Thursday nights 7:30-9pm

What’s involved:

  • Weekly rehearsal time – our sessions will aim for singers to take initiative and share responsibility in the musical process, through musical independence, leadership and group co-operation. Sessions will include vocal warm ups, whole body and groove activities as well as learning songs in 3-4 part harmony.
  • Personal rehearsal time – this is important and we will aim for singers to come to rehearsals prepped and with their music off book when asked, which is soon after the parts have been covered in the session. This means that we make the most of our rehearsal time developing the quality of our sound, leadership and ensemble beyond learning the notes.
  • Performing – we are looking to participate in festivals throughout the year as well as our own local performance. Singers will be expected to be an active member as a performers. 
  • Music – we will sing music with a strong rhythm and groove. This means that our singers sing with their whole body and feel a strong sense of pulse and rhythm. Our music will be energetic and this is reflected in our sessions. Our songs at times, may use close harmony, so the ability to hold your own independent part is important. Our repertoire will focus on a wide range of music styles suited to this way of singing including gospel, jazz, disco, soul and contemporary pop. 
  • Audition – becuase this is an intermediate level choir, you will be asked to do a short informal audition, involving a voice/range test on your Visit Session. After a couple of sessions, you will be asked to sing a short section of a given song, holding an independent part, alongside other voices. Your willingness to develop and feel a strong sense of pulse, rhythm and co-ordination will also be considered. The ability to read music is not required. The MD has the final decision. 

Joining process (after initial launch session)

  1. Email to check there is a space for you.
  2. Book a Visit Session HERE. (Use this link for all visits after the launch session)
  3. Attend your Visit Session. Come and sing with us to see if we are the right fit for each other and take a range test. 
  4. Given membership details and subscription and join. (£25/month membership, including all sessions, resources, performances and support tech)
  5. Complete the short informal audition with Beth (within 2 weeks of the visit session).
  6. After 6 months you will be given feedback on how you are going!


Thursday 12th SeptemberOne off Launch session (first held Visit Session)

Thursday 19th & 26th September – Auditions and session 

3rd Oct First full length choir session 

All further auditions will be held on an ad hoc basis at a mutually agreed time after ad hoc Visit Sessions. 

Debut performance:

Fri 13th Dec Studio 54 at Wells. 

About your MD, Beth Morgan: 

Beth Morgan is known online internationally as The Creative Choir Leader. Her CCL newsletter, blog, website, Facebook group and online membership supports over 1.5K choir leaders from around the world. In this role she has worked with Mark De Lisser, Deke Sharon (Pitch Perfect), John Rutter, Bob Chilcott, Karen Gibson (The Kingdom Choir), Kim Samuels (Renewal Choir), Roger Emerson (world’s top selling arranger for pop choral music), Suzzi Vango (How to Make Your Choir Sound Awesome), Greg Link (Apollo 5) and Joanna Tomlinson (National Youth Choir of Great Britain) to name but a few.

Leading choirs for 30 years, Beth is formerly the Musical Director for the Bristol Military Wives Choir (2015-2024) and the founder of The Great Day Choir (2017-present). She led her secondary school choir, Vallis Voices at Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod, Manchester Amateur Choir Competition and Choir of the Year. Beth is in demand as choir workshop leader. 

Beth has a Bachelor of Music from the University of Queensland. She has taken conducting training with Choral Music Experience and Sing for Pleasure. In 2022, she was a participant in The Inspiration Course in Innovative Pop and Jazz Choral Directing at the Royal Academy of Music Vocal Centre, Aalborg, Denmark. She is a member of the Incoporated Society of Musicians.

Got questions? Email for more info.