Family choir concert finale inspired by Coldplay…
So in 2022 I went to see Coldplay at Wembley Stadium. It was a feast for the senses as there was so much colour and spectacle. So in one of my concerts I took some of the band’s creative ideas and created a colourful, fun finale for my choir and the audience. WATCH the end result below, especially after the first full chorus!
Hope it makes you smile.
Check out the audience reaction at the end.
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Beth Morgan set up The Creative Choir Leader Group and The Inspire Club to help provide accessible online support, training and resources for choir leaders. She believes in the power of choirs to change the lives of people in local communities.
After working in secondary music eduction for 29 years, including developing school choirs to perform at international level competition, she now runs her own adult community choirs.
Beth is currently the MD for the Bristol Military Wives Choir, a member of the 75 strong choir network, supporting women connected to the military. In addition, in 2017 she founded The Great Day Choir, a successful daytime community choir network across bristol and Bath, UK for women of all ages, including a child friendly choir. The latter has helped to raise 1000s for local charities.
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