
The song ‘Kokoleoko’ is from Liberia and is perfect as a warm up song. The lyrics are onomatopoeic, making the sound of a rooster – cockadoodle-doo – as it welcomes the morning. “Aba mama” means ‘goodbye mama’.

Memorising Lyrics

Got a performance coming up? We have. I have decided that I would like my singers to perform by memory so they can really enjoy the music and the occasion. So I asked my members

Choir Leader Buddy

Do you sometimes feel isolated in your role as a choir leader? Then finding a choir leader buddy can really help.

My 2021 Review

As we come to the end of the first full calendar year for The Creative Choir Leader and The Inspire Club, it seems a good time to look back and …

Time to reflect

The end of the year is a great time to reflect on how to end the year on a positive note after you have completed your community choir and singing group activities.